In recent years, the immense growth of numerous industries resulted in the instant need for young and vigorous IT professionals, who could utilize their skills internationally to support IT industry exports. The need for developing essential technologies remains, a new challenge for this century is knitting technology into the structure of society in supportive ways. Future scientific leaders and managers must not only understand how to program and mine for data, but also know when and how to apply a fastidious result to a fastidious problem. The Department of Computer science (DCS) is home to a vibrant and talented community of academics, researchers and students. Recognised for high quality teaching and research, we attract staff and students from all cities of Pakistan. Driven by our research expertise and supported by excellent facilities, our undergraduate and postgraduate courses help students to develop their academic abilities and the essential skills required for the workplace such as evidence-based analysis and decision-making, problem-solving and project management skills. Future employability and career success are supported by our professional placement schemes. The Department of Computer Science, Government College University Lahore was established in 1999 as an independent Department in the postgraduate block of the GC University. At present, the Computer Science Department has 4 Computer Labs i.e Postgraduate lab, Main lab, General lab and ICS lab, and these labs comprise of more than 230 computers. The department offers 4 years BS (Honors) in Computer Science, 2 years MS in Computer Science degree programs and a PhD in Computer Science. The courses at all degree programs are selected through its Departmental Academic Committee and External Academic Committee keeping in view the modern computing needs both for software industry and academic research.

  • Undergraduate Studies.
  • Postgraduate Studies.
  • Computer Labs.
  • Microsoft Software Library.
  • Networking Unit.
  • Software Development Unit.